viernes, 25 de junio de 2010

cinema inspiration : the virgin suicides

Esta es una de esas películas que no me canso de ver una y otra vez, no solo por su fotografía, por su banda sonora o por que Kristen Dunst esta que además Sofia Coppola me encanta, es una de mis directoras favoritas, creadora de varias películas de culto para mi como: Lost in Translation, Maria Antonieta y Vírgenes Suicidas, adoro a esta mujer desde la primera vez que la vi en una de las partes del Padrino(creo que en la tercera)como actriz, haciendo de hija de Michael Corleone.

La película cuenta la historia de un grupo de hermanas en plena, trajica y maravillosa adolescencia...pero...y quien no ha tenido una trajica adolescencia...acaso no es ese el encanto y la esencia de la misma..?,acaso se puede contagiar la tristeza y desencanto tan propias de esa etapa de nuestras vidas hasta ese espeluznante final..? Bueno, os la recomiendo, por su historia, por su belleza y por su mensaje oculto y reflexinador,su banda sonora os estremecera en varias ocasiones y os descubrira, o si ya los conociais, os confirmara , que Air, es uno de los mejores grupos de musica francesa electronica de los ultimos tiempos, espero que la disfruteis tanto como yo.

This is one of those movies that I never tire of seeing again and again, not only for his photography, the soundtrack or that Kristen Dunst is also impressive is that ... I love Sofia Coppola, is one of my directors favorite creator of several cult films for me as: Lost in Translation, Marie Antoinette and Virgin Suicides, I love this woman since the first time I saw one of the parts of the Godfather (I think in the third) as an actress, making the daughter of Michael Corleone.

The film tells the story of a group of sisters in full, tragical and wonderful adolescence ... but ... and who has not had a tragical adolescence ... perhaps, this is not the charm and essence of it ..? perhaps, you could get the sadness and disappointment so characteristic of this stage of our lives until the final shocking ..? Well, I recommend it for its history, its beauty and its hidden message and reflection, I shake the soundtrack several times and you will discover, or already knew, I confirm that Air is one of the best French electronic music groups of recent times, I hope you enjoy it as much as me.

4 comentarios:

  1. hmm i haven't seen this! now i want to, thanks!

  2. I love this movie too. Sofia Coppola is such a great director and she has a fabulous personal style !

  3. This is one of my favorite movies AND books! The imagery is so beautiful.

    I just found your blog on chictopia! (I am daisygirl89) I love your style and your posts- I just started following!

    If you have a moment, please check out my latest post on my blog about Levi's Girl Contest! <3

  4. hey I saw you at chictopia :D Loving your blog. I'm from Brazil and a colleague made a collection for her completion of course in fashion design inspired in Virgins suicides :) It's so lovely:


    Lara Torrezan
